25 forever

I recently had a birthday.  I'm 33 ... easy to type, not so easy to say out loud.
I was talking with my mama about aging, and I was explaining to her how I still feel like I'm 25.  of course there have been changes; maturity still happens in these years (just in case you're not aware!) but overall, my body is keeping up, my mind still feels sharp, I still have my perfect vision, I haven't had a new cavity in years, I am more or less back to the same size I was before babies (more on the more side rather than the less) ... and then she told me "you know what?  I still feel 25 too."

she's said this before, but this time it stuck.  a light bulb went off.

I met a woman just the other day.  she must've been in her 60's.  she lives just a few doors down from us and I met her through Sam.  *I am always meeting other adults through my kids - they are constantly breaking the ice with people.  they are not the shy type! *  she has an 7 year old chid with her that she homeschools.  I say "so you have full custody of him?"  she said "yes, he's our adopted son."  I was a tad shocked.  I thought maybe it was her grandson, but families do come together in a variety of ways, more now than ever.  we got to talking about curriculum and she had many concerns and questions.  both of us are in it for the first time this year, but she was really looking to me for advice.

I sat down and talked to her as an equal.  its like we were both 25, having the same concerns with our children and finding confidence in each other.  I spoke to her respectfully (I do believe in the whole respect your elders thing) but it was a very peer-like conversation.

I guess it just another example for me to see that people are people.  I tend to get hung up on how different God made us all, I think because I married a man that is so opposite from me, but really, we are very similar.  if we could all be 25, it might be easier to talk to each other, no?

my mom has become a much better friend and mentor to me ever since I had kids ... and I was 26 when that happened.  go figure ...

a reason, a season, or a lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you figure out which one it is,

you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, 
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty; 
to provide you with guidance and support; 
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. 
They may seem like a godsend, and they are. 
They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, 
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. 
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. 
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. 
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, 
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. 
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. 
They may teach you something you have never done. 
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. 
Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; 
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. 
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, 
and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. 
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you for being a part of my life, 
whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.

I love this ... is it a poem?  I'm not sure.
but it rings so true, and is a good reminder for all of us.  
we need each other, if only for a short time.  

~ with love, Katie

love Skin So Soft?

good 'ol twitter ...
thanks to Jessica's Coupons I discovered Avon's Skin So Soft giveaway. 
you'd think (or I'd think!) I would've heard about this, being a Sales Rep and all.

Avon's Challenge -
use Skin So Soft for 14 days and see the difference in your skin.
When you share your experience with Skin So Soft HERE, you can win 2 trial sized (1.7 oz) bottles of this wonderful, magical stuff!

visit her blog too!
thanks Jessica!

winter beauty

even though I am now living in Hawaii, I vividly remember the days of harsh, dry winters (in Wisconsin & Colorado).  beauty-wise, it was always awful for me.  

I saw THIS ARTICLE and the first thing I noticed was the quote from SELF magazine's beauty editor which was "it really comes down to going back to the basics."

I like it basic.  I like simple solutions.  I like not having to go out and buy the most up-to-date whatever to make it just so.  I like to find & buy products that actually do what they say they're gonna do, that way I don't need layers of products for one issue.  girls, you know what I mean?  I like easy, manageable, everything ... beauty-wise especially.

since I'm an Avon Rep, I thought I'd do some homework to see if Avon carries a solution for each issues that winter brings ... and wouldn'tcha know it, they do!

* the underlined section of the product is the link to the details &/or to shop at my Avon store
** if you are interested in a product, don't forget to read the customer reviews, found on that same page

Hair - all of the following hair treatments are for dry & damaged hair, which is exactly what the winter months bring.  dry hair will get static-y and you'll be walking around zapping everyone!  which can be fun, but doesn't it get old after awhile?!  ouch!
Advanced Techniques -
Damage Repair Shampoo & Conditioner (on sale now! $4.99 each)
they also have a 5-day Rescue Treatment ($8)
Moisture Sleek Smoothing Shampoo & Conditioner (on sale now! $2.99 each)
Naturals -
Almond Oil & Avocado Moisturizing Shampoo & Conditioner (on sale now! 5 bottles for $10)
- for you Avon fans in Hawaii, you have by now realized that winter brings humidity.  humidity and frizz go hand in hand.  check these products out -
Advanced Techniques -
Frizz Control Lotus Shield Shampoo & Conditioner ($6 each)
Frizz Control Lotus Shield Anti-Frizz Treatment ($12)
- here is a great set with everything you need -
Advanced Techniques: Bohemian Waves 4-piece Collection ($20)

Lips - no more chapped lips!!  so affordable you can have one in every room, coat pocket, and purse!
Moisture Therapy -
Intensive Treatment  Moisturizing Lip Treatment SPF 15 (on sale now! $.69)
Intensive Treatment Lip Ointment SPF 15 ($2)
for moisture & gloss, try this - Dew Kiss (on sale now! $.69)
- and of course Avon has Moisturizing Lipsticks -
Ultra Color Rich: Moisture Seduction SPF 15 (on sale now! $4.99)
Healthy Makeup: Lipstick SPF 15 (on sale now! $4.99)

Skin - my skin is what always takes the biggest toll, and in the winter, I am especially dry and itchy.  I'm finding even in a winter with humidity, I get dry.  what's up with that?!

Face - the article says specifically stay away from anti-aging products because they tend to be drying, however, Avon's Anew Skincare line (which is anti-aging) there is a step for moisturizing.  in fact, there is a different moisturizer for your morning and night cleansing, so to me, they [at Avon] must know the drying tendencies anti-aging products have.  you will find vitamin e throughout the Anew products, a.k.a tocopherol.
in your 30's, try Anew: Rejuvenate (full set on sale now! $60)
in your 40's, try Anew: Reversalist (full set on sale now! $70)
in your 50's, try Anew: Ultimate (full set on sale now! $75)
if you're not interested in anti-aging, here are some other facial moisturizers -
Avon Solutions-
Nutra Replenishing Cream (on sale now!  2 for $6.99 each)
Maximum Moisture Night Cream ($13)

Body - I think Avon is best known for their Skin So Soft line.  the oils take away your dry, itchy skin and replace it with smooth, soft, great smelling skin.  its the best!!
SSS - now in different scents
Original Bath Oil (on sale now! $8.99 for 24oz)
Body Wash (on sale now! $2.99)
Replenishing Body Lotion  (on sale now! $4.99)
Moisture Therapy - available in Oatmeal, Skin Renewal, and Vitamin Treatment
Intensive Treatment Body Lotion (on sale now!  2 for $8.99)
Intensive Treatment Extra Strength Cream (on sale now!  2 for $8.99)

Nails - the article does have the cheapest and easiest solution on this one: olive oil from the grocery store!!  but just for kicks, here's what Avon has to keep your cuticles soft and pliable -
Nail Experts -
Hydrating Cuticle Cream (on sale now! $2.99)
Fresh Aloe Cuticle Gel ($6.50)

From the Inside Out - drink more water!  doesn't get any easier than that!  well actually, you could drink your water AND donate to Breast Cancer Awareness by purchasing one of these:
Breast Cancer Crusade Pink Water Bottle ($5)
Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Clear Water Bottle ($10)

as a woman, I know how difficult it can be to find the right products.  if Avon works for you, then its great to use it as a one-stop shop for all your beauty needs.  if you're new to Avon, I encourage you to try ... and seriously, not because I sell it ... but because it has such a great reputation (for 125 years now!) at a very reasonable price.  I don't care how rich you are, you have to cringe a little if you spend $100 on facial cream!!

I hope this was helpful to you.  stay warm AND MOISTURIZED this winter!!

Shop online 24/7 @ www.youravon.com/katiegrimm - or click the Avon logo on the right side of my blog
extra discounts for you-
order on President's Day (this coming Monday 02/21) and get FREE shipping with $10+ order!  coupon code: PREZDAY10
order any other day with $30+ and receive FREE shipping using code: FSC05

sing along

I never have been a huge advocate for musicals, its always been my inside secret.  kinda.  sorta.  not on purpose of course.  but no one asks, and so I don't go around telling.

I'm not the flamboyant type ... not about this anyway.

oh, and I love the instant streaming on Netflix.
last night I came across Moulin Rouge.  it came out in 2001 ... where was I?  uuummmm, newly married, living in SoCal, going to school full time.  I remember the release, but only because I like the song ... go listen HERE.  oh, and turn it up too.

I'm not a fan of ALL musicals.  these are my favorites -

  • Little Shop of Horrors
  • Grease ... this came out the year I was born (1978 ... yep I'm 33 ... as of 2 days ago) and my mom's love for it came through in the DNA somehow
  • Chicago
  • The Sound of Music
  • Hairspray
I love movies too, so along with turning up the singing parts, I can recite the other lines too.  geesh, should I really be saying this?  nerd alert!

I think I steered away from it because I knew it was a love story, and I'm not one for chick flicks.  at all.  but go figure, all my other musical favs are love stories too.
LOVE is in the air ... Valentines Day is right around the corner.

Nicole Kidman is not my favorite, and she was not a very good lip sync-er ... her first (and last?) musical?  Ewan McGregor did awesome, and btw, is very cute.

Moulin Rouge is done differently than my other favorites.  very differently.  its based out of a gentleman's club, but because its a musical, it doesn't get dirty at all.  I still wouldn't have my kids watch it or anything, but its not as hooker-ish as you might think ... if that makes sense.  yes, hooker-ish is a word, but obviously, I'm no movie critic!  :)

my vote - 
thumbs up.  go see it.

thanks Netflix!

an example of being so smart, you're stupid

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go on a camping trip, and after finishing their dinner they retire for the night, and go to sleep.
Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend. 

"Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see." 

"I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes" ex
claims Watson. 

"And what do you deduce from that?" Watson ponders for a minute. 

"Well, astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo

Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.
Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow
Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe. 

What does it tell you, Holmes?" 

"Watson, you idiot!" he exclaims, "Somebody's stolen our tent!

what's your parenting style?

I found this questionnaire in *gasp* Parenting magazine ... I am, for the record, not a big fan of this magazine.  to me its filled with lots paranoia and fear ... wait ... how'd did it even find a home in my mailbox???

anyway -
I found this questionnaire and wanted to share & invite any/all mommies reading to participate.  just because.

  1. describe your parenting style - I tend to be strict about certain things, like responsibility & manners, but for everything else, I do my best to be as flexible as possible.  
  2. last meal you cooked - spaghetti & meatballs
  3. weirdest thing in you purse - 3 hotwheels ... is that weird?
  4. craziest thing you've done while sleep-deprived - I am thankful to be out of that stage. that said, I don't remember!
  5. behavior you hope your kids don't inherit from you - I'm not much of a reader, but I would love for them to discover how great that can be.  does this mean I ought to start reading for myself?
  6. last thing your child did that made you laugh - my boys are funny all the time!  Elliott is especially funny lately since he is learning to talk and getting very expressive.
  7. your favorite baby gear - when they were baby-babies, I was always so thankful for my boppy.  I was so thankful to be able to nurse them both, and that boppy saved my arms!  today my favorite thing is my Bob stroller.
  8. lost object you recently helped your child find - Sam can't seem to keep his shoes together.  how does one shoe always end up on the opposite side of the house?  or often, we find 1 in the house and 1 in the car ....?!&$#@!
  9. the song that best describes your parenting experiences - I do my best to cherish, the good and the bad days alike.  the bond a mother has with her children is close to indescribable.  its like no other.  I LOVE this song; Sade is one of my favorite musical artists ... go listen, The Sweetest Gift, by Sade
  10. kids' tv show you can't stand - Spongebob is way too annoying for me.  Barney is actually ok, its the child actors that ruin the show, so much so, I just can't get over it.  and Cailou is a big whiner ... and why doesn't he have hair?  ever?
  11. first word that pops into your head when I say "mom" - love
leave me a link to your answers in the comments.  remember, there are no wrong answers!

ps. what do you think of Parenting magazine?

day 03: then & now

my original intent was not to blog this picture thing everyday.  would that get boring?

I am uninspired to post about much of anything lately, so maybe since pictures are worth 1000 words, this could work out after all.

the whole idea of this class is to USE YOUR CAMERA!
however for this one, know that the 'now' pictures are current, just not from today.

I know, tsk tsk.
I'll do better, I have 27 more assignments to go!

Samuel Thomas

then, age 4

now, age 6

Elliott James

then, age 1ish

now, 2 1/2 ish

brothers, and usually, the best of friends




what a difference 2 little years make, huh?!

I LOVE these munchkins.
they are AMAZING little people.

you can still join the class too.
click HERE or the button below.