sweet vegetables

being a mom is fun & frustrating, busy & boring, smiles & cries, but above all a blessing to focus on.  it's easy and expected to get wrapped up in whatever activities you and your family are up to, especially during the summer months.

I say that to say, many discoveries I make are so often past due.  I find an idea, and activity, a recipe (could be anything) that has originally happened so long ago and I think "where was I?" or "I'm just finding out about this now?"  

I take my boys to the library regularly.  The storytimes are great, there are books, books and more books, videos, the summer reading program; all kinds of goodies.  This last time I went, I visited a couple "Katie-sections" and found a few things.  one I'd like to tell you about, my latest (late) discovery.

It was published in 2007 ... I did have a child then, so why didn't I know about this?!

It is a full cookbook with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts.  Her deception is hiding veggies in EVERY dish.  She stocks up on veggies, steams them, blends them into purees, and adds them to everyday dishes.
Veggies like carrots, beets, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and squash.  Fresh is always best, but you can use frozen or canned veggies too.  Some call for fruits such as apples, bananas, and avocados (that's a fruit, right?).
Once blended, fridgerate the ones you'll use sooner than later and freeze the rest.
These recipes are truly easy, recipes that your children will actually eat, and recipes made with everyday ingredients you probably already have, so no need for specialty stores to eat healthy.

I can't wait to try these ... and I will let you know. 
For whatever reason, when I think of libraries I don't think of cookbooks.  but they're there, a whole huge section!!

I wanted to spread the word about this cookbook ... in case you're living under a rock like me!  I encourage you to go to your local library and check this one out.  

it's just hair

I have never been a real trendy person, and I don't think I ever really compared myself to others too much ... ok maybe in my high school days, but still, it was never too extreme.  I was never really into fashion, make up, name brands, or "what's hot" that season; just not a girly girl I guess.
Moving here, I have been forced to get some style!  I've always had great, naturally curly and naturally thick hair, until I moved to here ...  actually after being pregnant twice, my hair has thinned out a bit, but living at this elevation has made my hair gone pretty much straight.  blah.

what's a girl to do?!
luckily I have a beautician for a sister!

so here's the cut I've gone with; and the only celebrity I can think of who also has this cut is:
I think it looks really good on her.

now that I have some sort of style, I notice everywhere I go!  when I'm out and about running errands with the boys, I see tons of other moms with the same haircut.  apparently I picked something too trendy, so that makes me not like it so much.

and then I think, well, at least I didn't get in on this mom-phase, ha!  
PS - have you seen the SNL skit for mom jeans?  hilarious!

batter up

my oldest is turning into an athlete ... yes, it's only t-ball, but still!   I know that most boys do get into sports, but in my mind, it's just another thing to show me how he's growing up and that I need to let go a little bit more.

he plays with a bunch of other 4 & 5 year olds, a co-ed team.  they were suppose to have 3 practices before the games started, but the first one no one was notified in time, the second one was cancelled due to rain, but the third one actually happened ... but since the others didn't it was like their first, and let me tell you, it was hilarious!  1/2 of them knew how to run the bases and they all duck when the ball is thrown in their general direction.

so with one "practice" under their belt, it's game time!!
here are a few pictures:

this was their one and only practice in the rain.
I haven't seen a full rainbow like this in years.
cool, huh?

Papa and Sam watching the game together

Sam's team, The Angels, waiting to their turn to bat.
Here, Sam is giving me a wink.
he's so stinkin' cute.

Go Sam Go!!

Elliott watching big brother play.
he's so cute in his baseball jacket and hat!

AVON anyone?

I haven't blogged for awhile, my apologies.  I'll catch up soon.  I have lots of photos to share.

this is just a quick blog to tell everyone that I've started selling Avon ... and I must pitch it to my readers!  never thought I'd do something like this; especially because my mom did it, and I always said I'd never be like my mom! 
honestly, times are tight financially and it's important, no vital, for me to stay home with my kids.  Avon is the perfect compromise.  I hope it can bring in a bit of income to alleviate some of the burden.

Avon is international, so wherever you may be reading this, you can still order from me!  check out my web page -  www.youravon.com/katiegrimm
shipping costs $3 per order and currently, any orders $30 and over is FREE!

Avon has been around for 120+ years and continues to uphold it's quality merchandise, great value, and customer service.
and if you're interested, it just takes $10 to begin your new career as an Independent Avon Representative.  ask me how!